Hey MayaIndia Sweeties! As you may recall, my oldest child, Marcus, got married 3 years ago to my lovely daughter in law, Diahan.

Then, two years ago, I was ushered in the prestigious "Grand Diva's Club" when my granddaughter, Addison Taylor was born.

Soon after her birth, the question arose, "What will she call me?" At that time, my Mom was still with us, and my children called her "Nana," - so that name was already taken. And frankly, I just didn't see the titles "Grand Ma" or "Granny" being suitable for me either. Then a co-worker suggested "Glam Ma" and I thought- "Hmmm, that might work, since I do try to be glamorous whenever possible." Two years later, I am still Glam Ma, and I love it! Unfortunately, I don't see Addison very often, since she lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and I live in New York, but when I do, it's a very special time for me.

I observed my parents' transformation when their grandchildren were born and I almost didn't know who they were. They seemed so happy all the time and much more permissive than I recall when I was a child. This behavior was so foreign to me, I often felt like there was some sort of invasion of the body snatchers happening right before my eyes! Of course, I get it now. There is a shift that occurred when I became a grandparent that allows me to be more relaxed and really sit back and enjoy the precious moments I have. I feel that I was successful at raising my own children. Therefore, I feel less inclined to jump in and assist in raising my grandchild because I know she is receiving a foundation similar to the one I instilled in her father. Besides, it's so much more fun to sing, play, dance and blow bubbles!

I am enjoying watching Addison grow and thankfully, technology allows her to see us and still become familiar with us via Face Time, despite the distance.

As we search our hearts for understanding of the terrible tragedies that are happening around us daily, one thing has become abundantly clear to me- no matter who you are, tomorrow is not promised, so it is imperative that we LIVE today.
Until next time,
Stay Sweet!