Hey MayaIndia Sweeties! While recuperating from my lovely wisdom tooth extraction, I have been perusing Pinterest and admiring the beautiful photos.
More importantly, I have found some of the most delicious sounding recipes EVER! Now, as discussed in previous posts, I love to experiment with various recipes, whether they are for a main course dish or delicious desserts. I even started my own board which is a collection of recipes geared toward healthy eating. I really an trying to make some changes and incorporate more foods that are good for me into my diet, including more fruits and vegetables.
One of my favorite fruits, running a close second to mangoes, are strawberries. I've never met a strawberry I didn't like! Strawberry shortcake, strawberry ice cream, strawberry cheesecake, strawberries on top of my Belgian waffles, I could go on forever. But my favorite way to consume strawberries is au natural. When I saw the picture featured above, I must admit, I wanted to reach through the monitor and grab one. These are Strawberries Filled with Almond Cream. Essentially, you slice open fresh strawberries and fill with a delicious almond flavored pudding. You can view the actual recipe here . I can imagine this yummy strawberry treat being passed to guests at my next garden event! If you decide to try it before I do, please let me know how you like it.
Until next time,
Stay Sweet!
